Short Circuit Games Apps

Jousty Jack 1.05.1
Jousty Jack is an addictive,challenging,jousting tap app game available for free on Android.The game'sdesign is simple and intuitive, easy to control, yetchallengingenough for any player to sink their thumbs into. Play asJack, agriffin knight, as you joust your way through a postapocalypticsky-castle on Valcor, your trusty flying steed, whileavoiding aperilous number of columns that always seem to bar yourway, andenemies who can only be damaged by the tip of your lance.Everyenemy you kill increases the chances of encountering a'deathwave,'and if you survive long enough, you can test yourmettle againstthe powers of the Super Scary and Evil Mystery Bossof Doom - whichstands between you and the fulfillment of yourdreams. Measure yourJousty Jack abilities against others and unlocktrophies withGoogle Play Games Leaderboards and Achievements. Seeif you can bethe first person to beat the game, try Jousty Jacktoday!!!